The Biomaterials Day symposium at Rice University will be in the auditorium at the BioScience Research Collaborative (BRC). Take a virtual tour.
Rice’s BRC is located 6500 Main St.
There are a wide variety of hotels available near the Bioengineering Research Collaborative. The recommended hotel is the Hilton Houston Plaza/Medical Center (p: 713-313-4000) located at 6633 Travis Street, Houston, Texas, 77030. It is well within walking distance being only one block away from the BRC, and it offers a Rice discounted rate for all attendees of Texas Biomaterials Day. If booking with them, please mention Rice University and Texas Biomaterials Day to receive the discounted rate.
The entrance to visitor parking in the BRC is located on Dryden Rd, which is on the south side of the building. The garage is open from 6:00 am – 10:00 pm Monday through Friday. Parking for visitors and persons with disabilities is on the first level.
A Texas Medical Center/BRC shuttle runs every 30 minutes from the Rice University campus. The service is in operation from 7:45 am to 5:45 pm, Monday through Friday. See BRC shuttle map.
For additional information, please check the Transportation website at